How to Create An Alluring Lead Magnet in Only 4 Steps

how to create a lead magnet

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Using lead magnets is one of the best ways to build a strong customer base. They are a powerful marketing tool that can be used at every stage of the sales funnel. Their purpose is to deepen your relationship with your ideal prospect and “lead” them like a “magnet” to a desired course of action.

What is a lead magnet?

At its core, a lead magnet is an irresistible offer made in exchange for a prospect’s valuable contact information. One of the best ways to market directly to your ideal customer is via email. Because people are normally very reluctant to give out their email address without receiving something in return, the lead magnet was created.

Lead magnets come in all different forms:

  • eBooks
  • Webinars
  • Templates
  • Case studies
  • Interviews
  • Toolkits
  • Quizzes/Surveys

To name just a few…

Even if you aren’t a marketing genius, creating your own lead magnet isn’t difficult when you know how.



How to create a lead magnet

There are 4 easy steps to follow when creating a strong lead magnet:

  1. Prep. Have you identified your buyer persona? If not, you’ve got some work to do. Along with creating your buyer persona, you also need to make sure that you have your brand strategy finished and ready to go.
  2. Research and Development. Using the primary and secondary keywords identified in step 1, pinpoint the top 3 FAQs your buyer persona has based on their pain points and problems. A great way to do some additional research is to check AnswerThePublic, Quora and YouTube to see what questions are being asked about your business services or products.
    • B2C example: Let’s say you discover that your buyer persona is a female in her 60’s looking to buy an ebike, is on a budget, and doesn’t know how to pick one out. Your lead magnet could be a buyer’s guide that could walk her through the selection process.
    • B2B example: Here, let’s pretend that your buyer persona is a beginner podcaster looking to grow his following. You provide marketing services to podcasters. For your lead magnet, you could create an on-demand webinar in which you review the top 3 most popular podcasters.
  3. Create. Now the fun part! You are ready to create your lead magnet. Out of the top 3 FAQs you pinpointed, select the FAQ that is most backed by informational, high-volume yet low-to-medium competition keywords. Choose from this downloadable list of 50+ lead magnet ideas the best format to provide your solution to the customer.
  4. Promote: How will you promote your lead magnet? You have worked hard on steps 1-3, make sure you do your due diligence to use all of your available resources to market your magnet.
    Here are some places for promotion:
    • Your website: Use a landing page created with something like ActiveCampaign , your own blog posts, or in the header or footer of your site.
    • Social media: Make the most of custom-designed social media cover art, social media ads, post a link to your landing page on social profile bios, ask partners to share or cross-promote your social posts on their profiles, and post in user groups.
    • Third party sites: Post in relevant industry publications, with blog influencers, membership organizations, business directories.
    • Direct emails: Identify a fresh target list of contacts and reach out to them directly via email with your lead magnet offer, use existing contacts via email campaign, ask industry partners to share your lead promotion with their network.
    • Your email signature: Add a CTA beneath your signature and link to your magnet landing page or sign-up page.
    • Search Network & Display ads
    • Tradeshows & Live events: If you are a speaker, pitch your lead magnet as a closing CTA, bring marketing materials that promote your lead magnet to have at a booth or hand out to prospects, use your business card by adding a download CTA directly on to your card.
free lead magnet examples

What makes a good lead magnet

A powerful lead magnet can work wonders.

One that is created by following the right steps and delivered in the right way, can generate thousands of low cost, high-quality leads every month. More leads equal more clients, more conversions, and increased sales.

Creating an alluring lead magnet isn’t difficult and you don’t have to do it alone.


You can get more information by downloading our easy Sales Funnel Template here.

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